
This article describes the format Core should follow


As previously stated, Core acts as a system daemon and controls pFS on an application level. Therefore, core has the following aspects:

  • __init__()

    • This constructor initializes the config YAML dictionary

    • This constructor initializes the logger , state variables

    • This constructor initializes all the submodules regardless of order

    • This constructor populates the dependencies of all the submodules regardless of order

    • This constructor initializes the processes dictionary

  • start()

    • This start method runs through the Startup process

      • Read more about Startup here

    • This start method iterates through the processes dictionary and starts all threads


The following methods are specific to just core:

  • populate_dependencies

    • Since the dependency tree for submodules is extremely circular, it is impossible to instantiate submodules with references to their dependencies

    • populate_dependencies iterates through the config dictionary and reads the depeneds_on key for each submodule. It then calls the submodule.set_modules method which populates the self.modules dictionary with references to the submodules dependencies

  • request

    • For any reason, a submodule may request a reference to another submodule. This method grants that request

  • get_state

    • Returns the current Mode.

  • reset_module

    • Handles the ModuleNotFoundError by directly accessing a submodules self.modules dictionary and repopulating it with good dependency references.

  • get_config

    • Returns core.config


import logging
import os
import time

from functools import partial
from threading import Timer
from yaml import safe_load

from helpers.mode import Mode
from helpers.power import Power
from helpers.threadhandler import ThreadHandler
from core.processes import power_watchdog, is_first_boot

from submodules.submodule import Submodule
from submodules.antenna_deployer import AntennaDeployer
from submodules.command_ingest import CommandIngest
from submodules.eps import EPS
from submodules.radios.aprs import APRS
from submodules.radios.iridium import Iridium
from submodules.telemetry import Telemetry

class Core:

    def __init__(self):
        if os.path.exists('config/config_custom.yml'):
            with open('config/config_custom.yml') as f:
                self.config = safe_load(f)
            with open('config/config_default.yml') as f:
                self.config = safe_load(f)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger("core")
        self.state = Mode.LOW_POWER
        self.submodules = {
            "antenna_deployer": AntennaDeployer(core=self, config=self.config),
            "aprs": APRS(core=self, config=self.config),
            "command_ingest": CommandIngest(core=self, config=self.config),
            "eps": EPS(core=self, config=self.config),
            "iridium": Iridium(core=self, config=self.config),
            "telemetry": Telemetry(core=self, config=self.config),
        self.processes = {
            "power_monitor": ThreadHandler(
                target=partial(power_watchdog, core=self, eps=self.submodules['eps']),
            "telemetry_dump": Timer(
            "telemetry_heartbeat": Timer(

    def populate_dependencies(self) -> None:
        Iterates through configuration data dictionary and sets each submodule's self.modules dictionary
        with a dictionary that contains references to all the other submodules listed in the first 
        submodule's depends_on key
        for submodule in self.submodules:
            if hasattr(self.submodules[submodule], 'set_modules'):
                    dependency: self.submodules[dependency]
                    for dependency in self.config[submodule]['depends_on']

    def get_config(self) -> dict:
        """Returns the configuration data from config_*.yml as a list"""
        return self.config

    def get_state(self) -> Mode:
        return self.state

    def reset_module(self, submodule: Submodule, dependency: str) -> None:
        submodule.modules[dependency] = self.submodules[dependency]

    def enter_normal_mode(self, reason: str = '') -> None:
        Enter normal power mode.
        :param reason: Reason for entering normal mode.
            f"Entering normal mode{'  Reason: ' if reason else ''}{reason if reason else ''}")
        self.state = Mode.NORMAL
        for submodule in self.submodules:
            if hasattr(self.submodules[submodule], 'enter_normal_mode'):

    def enter_low_power_mode(self, reason: str = '') -> None:
        Enter low power mode.
        :param reason: Reason for entering low power mode.
            f"Entering low power mode{'  Reason: ' if reason else ''}{reason if reason else ''}")
        self.state = Mode.LOW_POWER
        for submodule in self.submodules:
            if hasattr(self.submodules[submodule], 'enter_low_power_mode'):

    def request(self, module_name: str):
        Returns a reference to a specified module if specified module is present
        @param module_name: name of module requested
        return self.submodules[module_name] if module_name in self.submodules.keys() else False

    def __str__(self):
        return "Core: core"

    def start(self) -> None:
        Runs the startup process for core
        for submodule in self.config['core']['modules']['A']:
            if hasattr(self.submodules[submodule], 'start'):

        if is_first_boot():

        for submodule in self.config['core']['modules']['B']:
            if hasattr(self.submodules[submodule], 'start'):
        while self.submodules['eps'].get_battery_bus_volts() < Power.STARTUP.value:
        self.mode = Mode.NORMAL

        for submodule in self.config['core']['modules']['C']:
            if hasattr(self.submodules[submodule], 'start'):

        for process in self.processes:

        while True:
            time.sleep(1) # Keep main thread alive so that child threads do not terminate

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